Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS)
Old Jack Pine (53.91634, -104.69203)
Station: Fen (53.80206, -104.61798)
Type |
Variable |
Frequency |
Period |
Availability |
Storage |
Note |
Meteo |
Air temperature, RH, wind speed and
direction, barometric pressure, net radiation, net radiation components:
down- and upwelling longwave radiation (lwd, lwu), down- and upwelling shortwave irradiance (swd, swu); soil heat flux,
down- and upwelling photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD_dw, PPFD_uw), below canopy PPFD, precipitation (from weighing
gauge such as a Geonor or Belfort), event
rainfall (from tipping bucket-type rain gauge), snow fall |
30 min |
1997-2018 (OJP) |
Public |
Database |
Different parameters have different
starting and ending time but mostly start at 97, 98 or 99. Some of the
radiations starting time is between 2010 and 2014. AirTemp_MeOne
is between 1999-2003. Precip_Belfort
end time is 2011 and Geonor data are between 2010-2017. Wind_Speed
for abv/blwcanopy and
IncomingPPFD_BlwCnpy_1mNE3_5min, 1mNE1, 1mNE1_5min, 1mNE2, 1mNE2_5min, 1mNE3,
1mNE3_5min, 1mNE4, 1mNE4_5min, 1mNE5, 1mNE5_5min, 1mNE6, 1mNE6_5min, 1mNE7,
1mNE7_5min, 1mNE8, 1mNE8_5min, 1mNE9, 1mNE9_5min start from 2012.
OJP_DiffusePPFD_AbvCnpy29mBF3 and IncomingPPFD_AbvCnpy29mBF3 started from
2003. OJP_WindDir_atGeonor,
atGEonorSD1 started from 2010. |
2002-2018 (Fen) |
Soil moisture |
Soil volumetric water content profiles |
4 hr |
1997-2018 |
Public |
Database |
OJP_SoilVWC_00to15cmNE1, NE2, NE3, NE4,
NE5, NE6, NE7, NE8, NE9, NW start from 2012 and frequency is 30 min. |
Eddy covariance flux data |
Carbon fluxes: NEP, GEP, R Energy fluxes: H, LE |
30 min (averaged) |
1997-2013 |
Local |
Files |
Canopy profiles |
CO2 and H2O mixing ratios |
30 min (averaged) |
2012-2018 |
Local |
Database |
metadata links
Old Jack Pine tower parameters:
Fen tower parameters:
Old Aspen (53.62889, - 106.19779)
Old Black Spruce (53.98717, - 105.11779)
Type |
Variable |
Frequency |
Period |
Availability |
Storage |
Note |
Meteo |
Air temperature, RH, wind speed and
direction, barometric pressure, net radiation, net radiation components:
down- and upwelling longwave radiation (lwd, lwu), down- and upwelling shortwave irradiance (swd, swu); soil heat flux,
down- and upwelling photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD_dw, PPFD_uw), below canopy PPFD, precipitation (from weighing
gauge such as a Geonor or Belfort), event
rainfall (from tipping bucket-type rain gauge), snow depth, depth to water
table |
30 min |
1996-2016 (OA) |
Local |
Database |
OA ending time varies between (2003 for
AT/RH_AbvCnpy36m_MetOne), (2006 for BT_18mW_2mmN), (2007 for BT_18mW_31mmN),
(2008 for BT_18mW_50mmN), (2010 for InPPFD_BlwCnpy4mNE), (2011 for
BT_3mN_80mmN, InPPFD_BlwCnpy4mSE, BlwUndStry20cm, 3Min_AbvCnpy37m, NR_AbvCnpy_FourWay,
InLR_AbvCnpy31m_CNR1, OutLR_AbvCnpy31m_PIR, OutLR_AbvCnpy31m_CNR1,
StdDevInPPFD3Min_AbvCnpy37m, StdDevWD_AbvCnpy38m, WaterTableDepth),
(2015 for AT_UndStry1m, BT_3mN_2mmN, 2mmS, 40mmN, 40mmS, 80mmS,
DiffusePPFD_AbvCnpy37m_BF3, InPPFD_AbvCnpy37m, NR_AbvCnpy31m_CNR1, OutPPFD_AbvCnpy31m, OutSR_AbvCnpy31m_CM11,
OutSR_AbvCnpy31m_CNR1, Precip_TBRG,
WD_AbvCnpy38m ) and 2016 for remains. BP_Rep2 started from 2011. OBS ending time varies between (2006 for
BT_1d5mNE), (2011 for Precip_Belfort, BP_8mNE),
(2013 for BT_4d5mNW), (2015 for BT_4d5mNE), (2016 for RH_AbvCnpy25mLI7000),
(2017 for AT_AbvCnpy24m_MetOneTC, AT/RH_AbvCnpy25m,
DiffusePPFD_AbvCnpy25m_BF3, Precip_Geonor) and 2018
for remains. AT/RH_AbvCnpy24m_MetOne data are between
1999-2003. NR_AbvCnpy_FourWay starts from
2007. WaterTableDepthRaw data are between 2017-2018. AT_AbvCnpy24m_MetOnePRT started at
1999. AirTemp_AbvCnpy25m_TC started at 1998. |
1997-2018 (OBS) |
Soil moisture |
Soil volumetric water content profiles |
4 hr |
OBS: 1997-2018 CCP-DIS OA: 1997-2016 CCP-DIS |
Local |
Database |
OA the ones with TDR and TDR100 data are
between 2007-2015. VWC_45cmN and 60to90cmN are between 2012-2015. OBS started time varies between
(2002 for VWC_60to90cmNE/NW), (2001 for VWC_02.5cmNE, 02.5cmNW), (1998 for
VWC_07.5cmNE, 07.5cmNW) |
Eddy covariance flux data |
Carbon fluxes: NEP, GEP, R Energy fluxes: H, LE |
30 min (averaged) |
1999-2012 |
Local |
Files |
Canopy profiles |
CO2 and H2O mixing ratios |
30 min (averaged) |
2011-2015 |
Local |
Database |
OBS: 25, 22, 15, 10, 8, 3, 1, 0.3 m
(Just 25mEC has data) OA: 39, 25, 22, 18, 10, 4, 2, 0.5 m
(Just 39mEC has data) Both canopy profile systems were
mothballed in 2011 |
Automated soil chamber system (ACS) |
CO2 flux data |
OA: 1996-2015 CCP-DIS OBS: 1999-2015 CCP-DIS |
Local |
Database |
OA CO2StorageFlux end time is 2011. OA
chamber system was removed in 2008. OBS 2010-2012 data were collected, but
remain uncleaned. Mothballed at the end of 2012. |
leaf area index and canopy architecture |
LAI/TRAC measurements |
OA: 1999-2008 on CCP-DIS OBS: 1997-2004 on the CCP-DIS |
Local |
Files |
C biomass |
Pools measured included live above
ground, dead above ground, roots, LFH, mineral soil |
2004 |
Local |
Files |
Snow survey |
and Density, SWE, Sample sizes |
Couple of times each year |
OA: 1997-2016 OBS: 1999-2016 |
Local |
Database |
Foliar nutrients |
Total_P,[Ca],[Mg], [K] |
2004-2005 |
Local |
Files |
status of the data and milestones
Measurement records from the Old Jack Pine and Fen towers are available online at the following url: (username: public, password: public) as well as the FluxNet web site:
Warren Helgason
Department of Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Andrew Ireson
Global Institute for Water Security
University of Saskatchewan
Colin Laroque
College of Agriculture and Bioresources
University of Saskatchewan
Amber Ross
Global Institute for Water Security
University of Saskatchewan
Amber Peterson
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
National Hydrology Research Centre
11 Innovation Boulevard, Saskatoon, SK S7N 3H5, Canada
Ph: (306)966-6165 Fax: (306)966-1193